Reflexology is a relaxing treatment preformed most commonly on the feet. Reflexology can be used for a variety of illnesses, to relieve stress, eliminate toxins and promote homeostasis. Reflexology works on the basis that the feet are a map of the human body. Areas on the feet, known as reflexes correspond to organs or systems in the body. When pressure is applied to these reflexes, energy travels through the bodies meridian lines - or energy channels, and target that particular part of the body. A trained practitioner may be able to assess any imbalances or obstructions to the flow of energy in the body. During a reflexology treatment, you will be seated comfortably and reclined and pressure will be applied to certain areas of your the feet in turn. Reflexology treatments at CS Therapies are combined with a relaxing foot massage. Most people find reflexology extremely relaxing and enjoyable. The therapist will keep a record of reflexes which seem out of balance, relate them to you and discuss the treatment afterwards. |